Issue Placards with ease.


Utilize the reentry system to enroll personnel and issue paper/mobile placards in minutes.

The Reentry Access Group offers a Mobile and Desktop Application that allows an organization and jurisdiction to enroll personnel and issue Placards before, during, and after an event. This system can allow for thousands of Placards to be issued in minutes to ensure critical personnel receive access after an event.

√ Easy to use enrollment interface
√ Mobile and Paper Placard Functioanlity
√ Issue Badges to Track Vendors and your Employees.
√ Real-time updates as your personnel enroll and receive Placards

Integrate geolocation with your Mobile and Vehicle Placards.

√ Geolocation Tracking for your Personnel.
√ Use your Reentry Placard for both events and daily access
√ On/Off Site Tracking

A Reentry Placard can be used to track personnel and be delivered in a Mobile Form, allowing your organization to track personnel daily for access and keep a separate lists of essential personnel.


Manage your Personnel and Access real-time.

The Reentry Applications allow you to manage your personnel at any point before, during, or after an event.

All organizations are different and each needs to customize access into their facility, for possible transit destinations, and for satellite locations. Our application allows an organization to manage both their personnel enrollments and placards as well as the access needs to jurisdictions around the country.

√ Set the requirements for access by jurisdiction and location
√ Draw access zones directly on your mobile device.
√ Adjust and add enrollments and access requirements real-time.

Set up notifications, messaging, and reporting.

The Reentry Access Application allows you to set up automatic notifications, message your personnel, and receive reports on your access status.

Managers and administrators can use the messaging features to coordinate access areas with personnel, set up automatic messaging for various areas around an access zone and create reports for needs both during an event and for after action reports.

√ Securely contact personnel in the field for immedidate updates.
√ Set up automatic notifications and messaging for your organization.
√ Create reports before, during, and after events.


Interested in learning more?

Select the box below to Register and Contact the Reentry Access Group.