Welcome to the Reentry Access Group Website!
The Reentry Access Group supports the Louisiana reentry efforts through the Louisiana Statewide Credentialing Access Program (LSCAP) and the reentry/authorization efforts of the Harris County, TX Industrial Sector. Our Program's goal is to ensure that your organization is prepared for any potential disasters throughout 2022, and that you have the necessary Reentry Access Placard to get through both State and Local Law Enforcement checkpoints. In addition, the Harris County Office of Homeland Security (HCOHSEM) will also utilize this system to authorize personnel choosing to “ride-out” the storm within the industrial sector of Harris County, TX.
In 2020, in addition to supporting Louisiana and Harris County, TX Industrial Sector in Reentry Efforts, the Reentry Access Group also offers Access Management Software that allows organizations and jurisdictions alike to manage access on a daily basis or during events. This management software is included with your 2022 Reentry Placard and allows you to use your Placard in a Mobile Form and track personnel daily at your facility or through the reentry process during a crisis event.
Please explore further to learn more about Statewide and Local Reentry Efforts and how your organization can integrate Access Management Software into your response plans and daily operations!
2020 Reentry/Authorization Registration
To register for Access into your jurisdiction and ensure your organization will receive access after an event please click below.
What is the Reentry and Authorization Process?
To learn more about the Reentry Access Group process supported in both Louisiana and the Industrial Sector of Harris County, please click below.
The National Crisis Event Response and Recovery (CERRA) Effort
To learn more about the national Crisis Event Response and Recovery Access (CERRA) effort and how your jurisdiction can participate, please click below.